Course Description
Your school has handed you an iPad. You’re expected to do something with it and you don’t know where to start? What to do? What apps should I start with? How can I teach using the iPad and Apps?

When I first started on the iPad journey, I downloaded so many apps, it was impossible to learn how to use them all effectively. Further along my journey, I realised there were many apps I hadn’t even opened yet and were going to waste on my iPad desktop.
I also hear from teachers that they have ‘tablets’ at their school, but they are only being used as reward for students who finish their work early or as a ‘games’ session. I firmly believe we are missing the true power of what the iPad can do if we ONLY use it for games and rewards. This device and specific apps can transform YOUR classroom like never before: the technology brings your classroom into the 21st Century; increases student engagement and motivation; students become collaborative partners in the learning process; your lessons can easily be matched to the Australian Curriculum; and individualised learning has never been easier to achieve.
I now advise teachers to only download a few apps at a time; learn them; use them in lessons; work out how you can incorporate them so that they align with the Australian Curriculum; and finally learn how to engage and motivate your students to ‘learn’ using 21st Century technology.
It was during a training session with teachers that it occurred to me, why not create a Course that focuses on ten apps and how to incorporate them in your daily lessons that meets curriculum.
So this course is exactly as promised; ten apps that are PERFECT for your classroom. This course will assist you to master these apps, incorporate and utilize the apps in your daily lessons and come away with the confidence to use them with your students to meet the Curriculum requirements.
All Primary & Secondary teachers including Support Staff. The course is designed so that strategies suggested can be implemented irrespective of age level.
Teaching Standards
2.6.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Information and Communication Technology (ICT): Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful
3.4.2 Proficient Level - Plan for and implement Effective Teaching and Learning - Select and use resources: Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning