Course Description
Assessment is a vital tool in education, yet assessment can be a daunting and terrifying part of learning for most students.
Negative experiences stemming from tests, assignments and other assessment activities can haunt a student throughout their entire educational journey. Getting to the bottom of this is really important for any educator. What if assessment could provoke excitement instead of causing chills?
The pathway to educational success is when a student has confidence in their abilities and is able to take risks in their learning. The big red cross is an inhibitor to both risk taking and learning and has very little pedagogical value.
As educators, we learn very little from just making the red mark at the end of any sum, test or assignment. Conversely, appreciating and understanding the merit of assessment for learning is a means to:
identify entry skills
inform future learning
arm teachers with a set of skills that promote and elevate the learning experience.
F-10 teachers
Teaching Standards
5.1.2 Proficient Level - Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning - Assess student learning: Develop, select and use informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies to assess student learning.