Course Description
The MTSS approach adopts a new way of thinking and doing in education. The framework utilises high-impact, evidence-based pedagogical practices to ensure every student receives the appropriate level of support, instructional intervention and adjustments to be successful.
MTSS provides clear guidelines for schools, so that practices are implemented with fidelity and sustained over time, with constant evaluation using data to drive improvements to classroom approaches.
Focusing on a strong foundation of universal, research-based approaches which increase in intensity and individualisation, ensures that all students are supported and included. The result is a continuum of resources, strategies and structures that directly address the academic, communication, social, wellbeing, and behavioural needs of all.

The MTSS framework, encompasses Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and uses evidence-based decision making to support students across academics, behaviour, social-emotional learning (SEL), and mental health. An MTSS, and all related components (evidence-based practice), improve the quality of educational experiences and outcomes for ALL students.
The framework includes effective core (tier 1), academic and behavioural supports and additional assistance and support for students who need it (tiers 2 and 3).
Providing a whole school approach, with effective instruction and adjustments for all students, is vital for the success of any MTSS framework.
This course is a guide to MTSS in your own practice, including developing an understanding of what a tiered framework is; to be able to identify RTI and PBS as a part of this framework; and to develop a toolbox of resources and strategies to complement classroom practice.
All teachers and support staff
Teaching Standards
4.1.2 Proficient Level - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments - Support student participation: Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities
4.3.2 Proficient Level - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments - Manage challenging behaviour: Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students, and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully