Course Description

With teachers under so much pressure at the moment, it’s more important than ever for them to look after their wellbeing. Teacher Wellbeing expert, Daniela Falecki, presented a webinar which has now been converted into a FREE online course designed to assist teachers in these difficult times. 

Join Daniela as she runs through the First Aid response designed to preserve the wellbeing of teachers:

D – Divergent Thinking

R – Rest your mind

A – Awareness of self

B – Believe you are enough

C – Celebrate daily


For any teachers feeling the pressure of these difficult times.

Teaching Standards

6.2.2 Proficient Level - Engage in Professional Learning - Engage in professional learning and improve practice:   Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities

Do you teach in NSW? If so, this is relevant to you:

This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.


Course curriculum

  • 1


    • First Aid for Teacher Wellbeing

    • Reflection

    • Feedback


Daniela Falecki

Daniela Falecki

Daniela Falecki is known as the "keep-it-real" teacher who specialises in Positive Psychology. Her passionate and practical approach makes her a sought after speaker in schools because she knows what it is like. Sharing stories from her 20 years of experience in schools, her insights are practical, realistic and evidence-based. Daniela also lectures at Western Sydney University, is a Senior Associate for Dr Suzy Green & the Positivity Institute, and is the developer of many BOSTES accredited mentoring and coaching programs for teachers.  Daniela has been the NSW Manager for the Outdoor Education Group, program developer for International College of Wellness Coaches and is a member of the ICF (International Coaching Federation). She has completed a Masters in Education (Leadership), a Bachelor of Education (Physical & Health Education), a Diploma in Rudolf Steiner Education, a Life Coaching Certificate (Life Coaching Academy) is a Master Neuro Linguistic Programming practitioner and was voted Lecturer of the Year 2014 at Western Sydney University.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Team Online

    All online courses are available for team purchase. Unlimited teachers from the one Campus for any course for $1250 + GST

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.