General Description

Research informs practice when it comes to student wellbeing but what about teacher wellbeing? Access the teacher wellbeing blueprint to build a plan for yourself or the whole school.


Any teacher who is struggling with their energy, time or workload.

Teaching Standards

6.2.2 Proficient Level - Engage in Professional Learning - Engage in professional learning and improve practice:   Participate in learning to update knowledge and practice targeted to professional needs and school and/or system priorities


Are you in NSW? If so, this is relevant for you

This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: Why Teacher Wellbeing

    • Welcome to The Teacher Wellbeing Toolkit

    • Objectives

    • Choosing You and Your Wellbeing

    • Welcome Activity

    • The Status of Teacher Wellbeing

    • Activity

    • The Facts about Stress

    • Activity - What are Your Biggest Challenges at Work?

    • Defining Wellbeing

    • Activity

  • 2

    Module 2: Self-awareness with Mindfulness

    • Objectives

    • What is Mindfulness?

    • Activity

    • The Art of Breathing

    • Activity - HeartMath Breathing for Coherence

    • Mindfulness in Practice

    • Activity

  • 3

    Module 3: The Role of Emotions at Work

    • Objectives

    • The Role of Emotions

    • Activity

    • The Thought-Feeling Loop

    • Activity - Becoming Aware of Your Thought-Feeling Loop

    • The Domains of Emotional Intelligence

    • Activity - Understanding Emotional Intelligence

    • Building Emotional Intelligence

    • Activity - Scenario

  • 4

    Module 4: Tracking the Good Stuff

    • Objectives

    • The Power of Gratitude

    • Activity - Facts and Myths

    • Tracking the Good Stuff

    • Activity - Gratitude Poster

    • Celebrating Achievements

    • Activity - Reflect on an Achievement

  • 5

    Module 5: Spotting Strengths

    • Objectives

    • Identifying Character Strengths

    • Activity - Identify Your Character Strengths

    • Using Your Character Strengths

    • Activity - Applying Character Strengths

    • Acknowledging Differences - Promote inclusivity

    • Activity

  • 6

    Module 6: Building Your Wellbeing Plan

    • Objectives

    • Putting it All Together with PERMA

    • Activity

    • Planning with PERMA

    • Activity - How could you apply PERMA for your Wellbeing?

    • Final Reflection

    • Activity - Final Reflection

    • Conclusion

  • 7

    Course Feedback

    • Course Feedback

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Team Online

    All online courses are available for team purchase. Unlimited teachers from the one Campus for any course for $1250 + GST

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.