Course Description
This course equips Years 7-10 English teachers with practical strategies to support gifted, high-potential, and talented students. Participants will explore the characteristics and needs of gifted learners, examining methods to foster their engagement, creativity, and critical thinking. Topics include differentiated instruction, fostering deep literary analysis, integrating multimodal texts, encouraging creative expression, and empowering students through choice and inquiry-based learning. Teachers will gain insights into creating inclusive classroom environments that support gifted learners' intellectual and emotional development, ensuring they are both challenged and supported in their literary journeys.

Years 7-10 English Teachers
Teaching Standards
1.5.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities: Develop teaching activities that incorporate differentiated strategies to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
3.1.2 Proficient Level - Plan for and implement Effective Teaching and Learning - Establish challenging learning goals: Set explicit, challenging and achievable learning goals for all students