This course is FREE with an Online Subscription

Course Description

This course concentrates on part 2 of the Ancient History core: The nature of sources and evidence.

Participants will be provided with a portfolio of copyright-free sources to use in their classroom. 

The course will examine the wealth of sources available for all the aspects of life in Pompeii and Herculaneum listed in the syllabus.

As well as providing strategies for investigating the types of sources available, we will also demonstrate a simple but effective scaffold for your students to use to analyse, evaluate and choose the best sources to use. This process can also be used when studying the other parts of the core.



Ancient History teachers of any level of experience.

Teaching Standards

Accreditation information

2.1.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area:  Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities,

3.4.2 Proficient Level - Plan for and implement Effective Teaching and Learning - Select and use resources: Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning

$  329 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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"Excellent, thorough and completely focused on the syllabus requirements, this course was worth the time invested."

- Louise O'Haiher, Teacher

"This course was extremely helpful in reinforcing my understanding of the course content, whilst also providing a great range of sources and learning activities."

- Sophie Casamento, St Pius X College

"The course was comprehensive and relevant to the HSC core. It provided a range of useful sources and scaffolds that would enhance the knowledge and skills of Ancient History students."

- Susan Kadib, St Maroun's College

"This course is informative and professionally relevant for any Ancient History teacher, all of us having to teach the Core Unit. For beginning teachers it provides a really useful bank of teaching resources. Even I, as an experienced teacher, got excited about a couple of fresh takes on the content and teaching approaches I could take."

 - Jennifer Sultana, Narooma High School

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1: The Nature of Sources and Evidence - The Eruption and Buildings

    • Higher Order Thinking and the HSC

    • Templates for Force Field Analysis

    • Task: Complete a Force Field Analysis (FFA)

    • What is the HSC Core all about?

    • Task: Intent of Ancient History Core

    • The Nature of Sources and Evidence

    • Analysing and Evaluating Sources - Some Useful Tools

    • Task: Analysis and Evaluation Tools

    • Sources and Evidence for the Eruption

    • Task: Sample Lotus lesson

    • Lotus Diagram - Template

    • Buildings as Sources and Evidence

    • Task: Ancient History Core Activity

    • Research and Resource Library - The Eruption

  • 2

    Module 2: The Sources and Evidence for the Economy

    • What made up the Economies of the Cities of Vesuvius

    • Task: Economies of the Cities of Vesuvius

    • Commerce in the Forum

    • Task: Types of Commercial Activities in the Forum

    • The Business Elite of the Cities of Vesuvius

    • Task: Interpretations of the Evidence

    • Agriculture

    • Task: Evidence of Agriculture

    • Artisans and Industry

    • Venn Diagram Template Download

    • Task: Evidence of Artisans and Industry

    • Trading and the Ports

    • Task: Evidence of Trade in Pompeii and Herculaneum

    • The Economic Role of Women and Slaves

    • Evidence of Brothels in Pompeii

    • Shops and Buildings

    • Consider All Factors (CAF) - A Thinking Tool From De Bono's CoRT Thinking

    • Fulleries - Case Study

    • Pistrinas - Case Study

    • Thermopolia - Case Study

    • Task: Shops and Buildings Case Study

    • Task: Work and enterprise - the cities of Vesuvius and 21st century Australia

    • Research and Resource Library - The Economy

  • 3

    Module 3: The Sources and Evidence for Social Structure and Political Life

    • Who were the Social and Political Groups?

    • Task: What if Romans Didn't Have Slavery?

    • An Introduction to the Roman Political System

    • Task: Roman Government Vocabulary Builder

    • Women

    • Task: The Women of Pompeii and Herculaneum - What We Know and Don't Know

    • Politics in Pompeii

    • Task: Social and Political Groups

    • The Forum in Pompeii

    • Task: Political Buildings of the Pompeii Forum

    • Politics and the Forum in Herculaneum

    • Task: Political Life in Herculaneum

    • Different Interpretations of the Evidence - Case Studies

    • Task: Problems with Interpreting the Evidence

    • Task: Civics and citizenship - the cities of Vesuvius and 21st century Australia

    • Research and Resource Library - Social and Political Life

  • 4

    Module 4: Sources and Evidence for Everyday Life

    • Houses

    • Task: Problematic Knowledge - Houses

    • Water Supply and Sanitation

    • Mind Map - Use of Water in Pompeii and Herculeum

    • Task: Use of Water in Pompeii and Herculeum

    • Health

    • Task: Health of the People in the Cities of Vesuvius

    • The Thermae

    • Task: What happened at the Thermae?

    • Other Leisure Pursuits

    • Task: Leisure in the Cities of Vesuvius

    • Daily Life: Food and Clothing

    • Task: My Best Guess Task - Food and Clothing

    • Research and Resource Library - Everyday Life

  • 5

    Module 5: Sources and Evidence for Religion and the Influence of Egyptian and Greek Culture

    • State Religion and Public Worship

    • Task: Religions and Temples

    • Private Worship, Death and Burial

    • Task: Private Worship, Death and Burial

    • Foreign Cults

    • Task: Foreign Cults - 5 Why Task

    • The Influence of Greece and Egypt

    • Task: Influence of Greece and Egypt - Placemat

    • Task: Difference and diversity - the cities of Vesuvius and 21st century Australia

    • Research and Resource Library - Religion and the Influence of Greek and Egyptian Culture

  • 6

    Module 6: Getting Mileage from the Sources and Evidence

    • Private Buildings - Houses

    • Task: Private Houses - Scaffold

    • Task: The Process for Choosing High Impact Sources

    • Case Study 1: The Forum of Pompeii

    • Case Studies 2/3: Houses of the Vetii/Faun

    • Case Study 4: Graffiti

    • Task: Critical and creative thinking

    • Task: Completing the Course

    • Resource Library - High Impact Sources

  • 7

    Course Feedback

    • Course Feedback

Do you teach in NSW? If so, this is relevant to you:

Completing Resurrecting the Cities of Vesuvius with Sources and Evidence will contribute 7.5 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Accredited PD in the priority area of Delivery and Assessment of NSW Curriculum/Early Years Learning Framework, addressing Standard Descriptors 2.1.2 and 3.4.2 from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers towards maintaining Proficient Teacher in NSW.



Sabreena Taylor

Sabreena Taylor

Sabreena’s career in education has been varied, contributing at local, regional and state levels. In her 30+ years in education, Sabreena has been a head of History, regional Quality Teaching Consultant and Professional Learning and Leadership Coordinator with the Education Department of New South Wales.

Sabreena’s work has included developing online learning, the implementation of the Australian Curriculum and designing and delivering a wide range of courses registered with the NSW Institute of Teachers. Sabreena was School Planning and Performance Advisor in the Learning, High Performance and Accountability Directorate, developing online solutions for effective school planning, monitoring, evaluation and reporting.

Sabreena has marked Ancient History HSC, developed ICT History resources and was Head Judge during the standards setting process for the Ancient History HSC.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.