Course Description
Think of Learnership in the same way as you’d think about leadership or craftsmanship. It denotes a skilful act - the skill of learning.
As an experienced teacher you’ve honed your craft over many years. You know how to teach and you’re good at it. But quality teaching isn’t always enough.
Learning is the product of what the teachers does AND what the learner does. If our students aren’t engaging effectively in the learning process, then even the best teachers face an uphill battle!

Too often teachers are left feeling like they are dragging their students through the learning process. They set appropriate challenges, give formative feedback, scaffolding learning, find and correct students' mistakes. Too many of their students are passive learners.
In this course, you’ll unpack James Anderson's Learnership Matrix, identify the type of learners you have in your classroom based on how they respond to challenges, their relationship with their Habits of Mind, how they gather information from feedback and mistakes and how they invest their time and energy.
You'll then learn how to guide your students in becoming more skilful learners. Freeing up your time and energy in the process.
This course is suited to any teacher or leader interested in helping students engage more effectively and more skilfully in the learning process.
Teaching Standards
1.2.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Understand how students learn: Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn.