This course is FREE with an Online Subscription

Course Description

This course is for educators asking themselves questions about how to get the best out of the boys they teach.

Modern definitions of masculinity may be changing, but there are plenty of boys caught up in behaviours that lead to wellbeing issues and disengagement from school.

This course examines these issues, the reasons behind them and offers practical suggestions for working with boys.

Positive Masculinity


Classroom teachers, coeducational teachers, teachers in boys schools, pastoral care and wellbeing staff, year level co-ordinators, Heads of House and so on

Teaching Standards

1.1.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students: Use teaching strategies based on knowledge of students’ physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics to improve student learning

1.2.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Understand how students learn: Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn

4.1.2 Proficient Level - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments - Support student participation: Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities

$  329 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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"Absolutely fantastic quality and integral in terms of relevance. This course is an indispensable component in understanding modern education. It offers a comprehensive exploration of masculinity and provides tangible ways to empower the young men in our classrooms."

- Rachel Hislop, The Riverina Anglican College

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - The Issues: What's Happening to Young Men Today

    • Introductory Video

    • The Masculinity Crisis

    • Pressures of Manhood

  • 2

    Module 2: Issues Facing Young Men Today

    • Let's Get Specific

  • 3

    Module 3: What's Not Working With Young Men Today

    • Let's Get Specific Again!

  • 4

    Module 4 - Shame

    • What Do We Mean By Shame?

    • Young Men and Shame

    • Shame and Student Management

  • 5

    Module 5 - The Solutions: What Do Our Young Men Need?

    • Some of it is simple...

    • Experiences of Success

    • Encourage Emotional Expression

    • Shame Resilience

    • Positive Role Models

    • Connection

  • 6

    Module 6 - Positive Masculinity: A Way Forward

    • What is Positive Masculinity?

    • Culture

    • Curriculum

  • 7

    Module 7 - Conclusion

    • Where Are We Now?

  • 8

    Course Feedback

    • Course Feedback

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This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.



Lauren Cook

Lauren Cook

Lauren Cook can’t remember a time when she didn’t want to teach. From the beginning of her career in 2001, she strove to understand what was at the basis of good teaching and learning. Lauren spent many of her early years of teaching in brand new schools, where the exploration of best practice was at the forefront. She undertook a variety of leadership roles from curriculum to professional learning to student management. She also joined the Faculty of Education at Deakin University to work with pre-service teachers.  In 2010, Lauren became an Assistant Principal but missed her role in the classroom. She now wants to focus more on teaching and learning, and contributing to developing professional networks of teachers committed to best practice. She is Deputy Head of Wellbeing and Head of Boys at St Margaret's and Berwick Grammar School in Victoria

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.