This course is FREE with an Online Subscription

Course Description

Learn how to create and manage interactive presentations using the Pear Deck Add-On for Google Slides. The add-on enables teachers to import existing presentations to add interactive questions which are saved and sent to the teacher in real-time, and afterwards, as published Google Docs called "Takeaways".

Rich formative and summative assessment features are built into the free version of Pear Deck, which are demonstrated in the course, and the optional Premium version too.


Teachers who use PowerPoint to create and deliver lessons.

Teaching Standards

2.6.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Information and Communication Technology (ICT):  Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful

 3.4.2 Proficient Level - Plan for and implement Effective Teaching and Learning - Select and use resources: Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning,

$285 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    01. Introduction and Overview

    • 00. Introduction and Overview

  • 2

    02. Setting up Pear Deck

    • 01 - Installing Pear Deck

    • 02 - Adding Questions to Pear Deck

    • 03 - Presenting a Pear Deck Lesson

  • 3

    03. Running a Pear Deck Session

    • 04 - Live Presentations in Pear Deck

  • 4

    04. After a Pear Deck Session

    • 05 - How to Use the Takeaways

    • 06 - Mail Merging Student Responses

    • 07 - Mail Merging to Google Docs

  • 5

    05. Review and Reflection

    • 08. Review and Reflection

    • Feedback

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This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.



Andrew O'Halloran

Andrew O'Halloran

Andrew is a secondary high school teacher teaching Economics, Business Studies, Commerce, Geography at East Hills Girls Technology High School. He has also taught Stage 6 Economics and Ancient History previously at Canterbury Boys' High School.

In his teaching experience, Andrew has embraced new technologies for his lesson planning, delivery, reporting and assessment.

Andrew has led a number of professional development days for teachers in his local teaching area and within the school, in service of improving teacher knowledge of ICTs, as well as delivering over 5000 hours of professional development to teachers through TTA.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.