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Course Description

This course provides teachers with an expert unpacking of the rubrics within each module, key teaching strategies to improve student performance and a variety of key resources including sample teaching units and additional texts.


Teachers of Stage 6 English

Teaching Standards

2.1.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area:  Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities

$  285 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Introduction

    • Introduction

    • Aims and Objectives

  • 2

    Module 2 - Texts and the Human Experience

    • The Human Experience

    • Represent Human Qualities and Emotions

    • Human Behaviour and Motivation

    • Challenge Assumptions, Ignite New Ideas and Reflect

    • Role of Storytelling throughout Time

    • Judgements - Context, Purpose, Stylistic and Grammatical Features and Form Shape Meaning

    • The Human Experience - It's Universal

    • Task: Reflection on Texts and the Human Experience

  • 3

    Module 3 - Standard Module A: Language, Identity and Culture

    • Language has the Power to Reflect and Shape Individual and Collective Identity

    • Responses can Shape Self-Perception

    • Consider the Impact of Texts

    • Deepen Understanding of how Language can be Used

    • Analyse and Assess the Ways Meanings are Shaped

    • Used to Communicate Information, Ideas, Values and Attitudes

    • Reading, Viewing and Listening = Analyse, Assess and Critique

    • Develop Complex Arguments and Express Ideas

    • Experiment with Language and Compose Imaginative Texts

    • Task: Reflection on Language, Identity and Culture

  • 4

    Module 4 - The Craft of Writing

    • Introduction to the Craft of Writing

    • Audiences and Purpose to Convey Ideas

    • Appreciate, Examine and Analyse

    • Complex Texts use Language Creatively and Imaginatively - Standard

    • Complex Texts use Language Creatively and Imaginatively - Advanced

    • Appraisal and Imaginative Engagement with Texts

    • Apply Knowledge of Textual Forms and Features

    • Writers of Complex Texts use Language Creatively and Imaginatively

    • Task: Reflection on the Craft of Writing

  • 5

    Module 5 - Advanced Module A: Textual Conversations

    • Explore Comparative Study of Texts

    • Reimagining or Reframing of an Aspect of Text

    • Explore Issues, Values, Assumptions or Perspectives

    • Texts, Contexts and Values

    • Study of Texts - Resonances and Dissonances

    • Task: Reflect on Textual Conversations

  • 6

    Module 6 - Advanced Module B: Critical Study of Literature

    • Detailed Analytical and Critical Knowledge

    • Analysis of Text Construction, Content and Language

    • Evaluate Text

    • Explore Ideas in the Text

    • Specific Language Features and Forms

    • Task: Reflection on Critical Study of Literature

  • 7

    Module 7 - Types of Textual Responses

    • Discursive Text - Definition, Features and Example

    • Reflective Text - Definition, Features and Example

    • Persuasive Text - Definition, Features and Example

    • Informative Text - Definition, Features and Example

    • Imaginative Texts - Definition, Features and Example

    • Imaginative Texts - Short Stories

    • Task: Reflection on Types of Textual Responses

  • 8

    Module 8 - Fiction/Non-Fiction Writing I

    • Audience, Purpose, Themes and Authenticity

    • Structures

    • Cohesion, Originality and Sophistication

    • Word Usage, Show Don't Tell and Create a Setting

    • Time, Literary Techniques and Consistency of Tense

    • The Imploring to Just Start

    • Task: Refection on Fiction/Non-Fiction Writing

  • 9

    Module 9 - Fiction/Non-Fiction II

    • Be Specific and Choose Simple Words

    • Active Voice and Passive Voice

    • Passive can have its Moment

    • Make it sound like Speaking, not Writing

    • Write Less, Not More

    • Task: Reflection on Active and Passive Voice

    • Conclusion and Course Highlights

  • 10

    Course Feedback

    • Course Feedback


Garry Hol

Garry Hol

An experienced HSC teacher for over 15 years, Garry’s expertise in English has come from a foundational love of literature and learning. He currently lectures HSC students, provides inservice training for teachers and spends large amounts of time attempting to inspire teenagers to engage with literature through teaching English at the Illawarra Christian School on the picturesque South Coast. He also enjoys tripping to the city on occasion and most weekends will find him performing rock and blues music in venues up and down the coast.

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    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

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    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.