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Course Description

Mindful Behaviour Management in the Pre-School Years reflects a non-violent approach to Behaviour Management; it encourages a focus of teacher self-regulation through the practice of mindfulness meditation, as a method for enhancing compassionate presence with children who are engaging in disruptive behaviour.

The course also outlines general behaviour management strategies, as well as information about the potential function of challenging behaviours. 

The PD provides resources which aide in the functional assessment of challenging behaviour, a Being Angry Safely PDF, and outlines effective strategies for Crisis Management Planning.


  • Early Childhood teachers
  • Early Childhood professionals
  • Assistant principals (K/2)
  • Classroom teachers (K/2)
  • Long Day Care directors
  • Preschool directors

Teaching Standards

4.1.2 Proficient Level - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments - Support student participation:  Establish and implement inclusive and positive interactions to engage and support all students in classroom activities

4.3.2 Proficient Level - Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments - Manage challenging behaviour:  Manage challenging behaviour by establishing and negotiating clear expectations with students, and address discipline issues promptly, fairly and respectfully

Do you teach in NSW? If so, this is relevant to you:

This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.


Course curriculum

  • 1

    Module 1 - Introduction

    • Introduction to Mindful Behaviour Management in the Pre-school Years

    • Welcome from Karen Gilles-Reid

    • Aims and Objectives

  • 2

    Module 2 - Mindful Behaviour Management

    • Lesson 1 - Emotional Regulation

    • Being Supported to Cry

    • Study of Trauma and Dissociation

    • Mindfulness Enhances Presence

    • Task: Reflection on Emotional Regulation

    • Lesson 2 - Being Mindfully Present

    • Forgiveness, Compassion and Awareness

    • Task: Reflection on Being Mindfully Present

    • Lesson 3 - General Behaviour Management

    • Closed Choice and Time-In rather than Time-Out Strategies

    • Develop Rules with Pre-Schoolers

    • Task: Reflection on General Behaviour Management

  • 3

    Module 3 - Managing Challenging Behaviour

    • Lesson 4 - Challenging Behaviours - Part One

    • Task: Reflection on Challenging Behaviour - Part One

    • Lesson 5 - Challenging Behaviours - Part Two

    • Task: Reflection on Challenging Behaviour - Part Two

    • Lesson 6 - Crisis Management Planning

    • Task: Reflection on Crisis Management Planning

    • Lesson 7 - Behavioural Resources

    • Being Angry Safely Resource for Pre-Schoolers

    • Guided Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) Tool

    • Motivational Assessment Scale

    • PDF - Motivational Assessment Scale

    • Task: Reflection on Behaviour Management in the Preschool Years

  • 4

    Module 4 - Conclusion

    • Task: Reflection

    • References

    • Course Feedback


Karen Gilles-Reid

Karen Gilles-Reid

Karen’s academic attainments include a Masters of Special Education, a Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies (Emotional/Behavioural); a Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood as well as a Graduate Diploma in Psychology.
br>Karen has over twenty years of experience in the Early Childhood sector, including having been a Pre-school Teacher, and successfully led an Early Childhood team through the Accreditation process, as a Director of a Long Day Care Centre. Karen’s Early Childhood team was proud to have their Centre accredited at High Quality.

Karen also considers herself fortunate to have provided Home-based Early Intervention, for children presenting with characteristics indicative of the Autism spectrum, whilst employed by the Autism Association of NSW (now Aspect). Making a real positive difference for children experiencing emotional disregulation, Karen collaborated with classroom teachers to deliver twelve years of behavioural support for students K-10, working as a Behavioural Consultant and Specialist Teacher for the NSW Department of Education.

Karen attributes her success to her daily mindfulness meditation practice, which she is passionate about because of its inherent capacity to enhance emotional resilience, compassion and presence.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.