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Course Description

At the end of 2023, the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) released draft Mathematics syllabuses for Years 11 and 12 for feedback from schools and the broader community. The final versions of the syllabuses will be released later in 2024.

The key changes in HSC Mathematics syllabuses include:

  • Refined outcomes:
    All outcomes are now specific to a focus area, where they previously overlapped

  • A structural review of the syllabuses:
    By reorganising content, students and teachers in Advanced, Extension 1 and 2 will no longer cover the same content multiple times

  • Content points made explicit: 
    Previously some content points were ambiguous. The change aims to support consistent interpretation of content points and equity across classrooms.

Schools will need to plan and prepare for the new syllabuses in 2025.

The new syllabuses will be first taught in 2026 and first used in HSC examinations in 2024. For context, the students who are in Year 9 in 2024 will be the first to start the new Stage 5 syllabuses this year (2024) and the first to start the new Stage 6 syllabuses in 2026.

In this PD, Steve Howard summarises the overall changes in the new HSC Mathematics syllabuses, plus the changes within each of the courses. Steve also includes a list of changes, topic by topic, for each course.

 This includes: 

  • The correlation between current topics and the draft focus areas.
  • How each focus area is organised into content groups
  • The estimated change in teaching time required
  • What content has been moved or removed
  • What content has been adjusted
  • What content has been added
  • What teachers need to change in their lessons and programs
  • The differences between Year 12 Std 1 and Year 12 Std 2 in the draft syllabus.

Content in this course is provided in both video and document format.


Secondary Mathematics teachers

Teaching Standards

2.1.2 Proficient Level - Know the content and how to teach it - Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area: Apply knowledge of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area to develop engaging teaching activities

This is a FREE course

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Course curriculum

  • 1

    Recorded Summary of Changes to all Courses

    • Recording and PDFs of the draft syllabuses & the handout

  • 2

    Written Detailed Changes to each Course

    • Mathematics Standard

    • Mathematics Advanced

    • Mathematics Extension 1

    • Mathematics Extension 2

  • 3

    Course Feedback

    • Please take few minutes to give us your feedback

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Steve Howard

Steve Howard

Steve Howard has inspired and equipped hundreds of Maths teachers with his In-Depth Senior Mathematics courses, providing all the tips, examples and resources to teach the HSC syllabus with confidence. He loves to discover the most efficient techniques for solving mathematical problems, by analysing other experts' solutions or by developing his own approaches when he finds a better way. As a student, Steve did Unit 4 Mathematics, gaining a mark of 198/200, before training as an actuary. After retraining as a teacher, Steve has taught Maths at Cowra High School, NSW, for 28 years. He has also taught gifted and talented students online through Xsel and Aurora College, and developed all student course material for TTA's Year 12 Extension Maths Portal.