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Course Description

When does the most natural of all learning become 'that hard subject' for so many students? A key focus area of professional development is applying strategy to support learning. Mind-Brain-Education Science can provide us with so much to support continued engagement in the science curriculum's knowledge and skills.

This PD is an introduction to applying the latest research into how neuroscience can inform science education strategies – “Teaching science like we do science” - across all content strands.

Science to engage them

Using evidence-based strategies we will:

  • challenge the concepts your students hold about science, using strategies to promote intrinsic motivation and deep engagement, identifying when  it became 'that hard subject' for so many;

  • share strategies to challenge identified misconceptions and threshold concepts in science, in order to boost student learning, understanding and recall of the big pictures in science;

  • share strategies to engage students using relevant and meaningful stimuli to motivate them to develop an appreciation of the contribution of science to finding solutions to personal, social and global issues relevant to their lives now and in the future;

  • share strategies to build the confidence of students and help them develop a willingness to use evidence and reason to engage with, and respond to, scientific and technological ideas, as informed citizens.


Science teachers Years 7 - 12, science coordinators, curriculum coordinators 

Teaching Standards

1.2.2 Proficient Level - Know students and how they learn - Understand how students learn:  Structure teaching programs using research and collegial advice about how students learn

$  149 + GST - Individual Enrolment

FREE with  Online Subscription

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Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction

    • Reflection Questions

  • 2

    01 Challenging Concepts of Science and Teaching

    • Challenging Concepts of Science and Teaching

    • Reflection Questions

  • 3

    02 Working With the Brain

    • Working With the Brain

    • Reflection Questions

  • 4

    03 The Teen Brain : An Extra Layer

    • The Teen Brain - An Extra Layer

    • Reflection Questions

  • 5

    04 Motivation, Communication and Engagement

    • Motivation, Communication and Engagement

    • Reflection Questions

  • 6

    05 Building Learning with Patterns for Engagement

    • Building Learning with Patterns for Engagement

    • Reflection Questions

  • 7


    • Reflection Questions

  • 8

    Course Feedback

    • Please take few minutes to give us your feedback

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This course may contribute towards Elective PD hours. Visit for more details.



Kery O'Neill

Kery O'Neill

Kery is a specialist in the biology of wellbeing and the neuroscience of learning. Her background incorporates veterinary surgery, research science, science education, environmental education, student wellbeing coordination, complementary health, small business and business mentoring. She is the first to say there is so much more to learn!

Kery was working as a teacher when she started her company, Active Axons Education in 2008, after realising how closely her teaching followed the findings of neuroeducation. She began running workshops to excite and engage students more fully in the learning process. This extended to school workshops and turned into accredited teacher education programs and courses with TTA. She has walked the talk of authentic education.

Features of TTA Online PD

  • Availability

    Online courses are available 24/7. Designed to be done in your own time at your own pace.

  • Money back Guarantee

    If you complete less than 25% of an online course and aren't completely satisfied, let us know, and we will cancel your enrolment and provide a full refund.